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Treasure Hunt scratch card

Treasure hunt scratch cards are different to other scratch cards in almost every way possible. The setting for this online casino game is a map filled with countries, you have to click on the countries of your choice to find the buried treasure.

There are 28 countries or regions to pick from so you better choose carefully! For every area that you uncover you will be given either the treasure chest or the skull and cross bones symbol. Somewhere in the 28 regions there will definetly be the three treasure chests you need to make the winning combination.

Treasure Hunt unfortunately no longer exists. We’ve loaded a different scratch card that you can play for free, or click on the link below to play at an online casino!

Treasure Hunt features

This online casino scratch card offers you multiple features such as different prices for a scratch card which pay out higher values and a bonus game. The pay outs are as follows for the various card prices :

10 cents per game :

  • 2 treasure chests =10 cents
  • 3 treasure chests = 20 cents
  • 4 treasure chests = 1 euro
  • 5 treasure chests = 10 euros
  • 6 treasure chests = 1000 euros

50 cents per game :

  • 2 treasure chests = 50 cents
  • 3 treasure chests = 1 euro
  • 4 treasure chests = 5 euros
  • 5 treasure chests = 50 euros
  • 6 treasure chests = 5 000 euros

1 euro per game :

  • 2 treasure chests = 1 euro
  • 3 treasure chests = 2 euros
  • 4 treasure chests = 10 euros
  • 5 treasure chests = 100 euros
  • 6 treasure chests = 10 000 euros

2 euros per game :

  • 2 treasure chests =2 euros
  • 3 treasure chests =4 euros
  • 4 treasure chests = 20 euros
  • 5 treasure chests = 200 euros
  • 6 treasure chests= 20 000 euros

5 euros per game :

  • 2 treasure chests = 5 euros
  • 3 treasure chests = 10 euros
  • 4 treasure chests = 50 euros
  • 5 treasure chests = 500 euros
  • 6 treasure chests =50 000 euros

10 euros per game :

  • 2 treasure chests = 10 euros
  • 3 treasure chests = 20 euros
  • 4 treasure chests = 100 euros
  • 5 treasure chests = 1000 euros
  • 6 treasure chests =100 000 euros

Treasure Hunt bonus game

The Treasure Hunt scratch card also features a bonus game. To have a go at the bonus game, you must first click the regions and uncover all six of them as skull and cross bones. Every time this occurs in this online casino scratch card game you will win a bonus symbol – this is a bunch of explosives.

Once you have 3 of these explosives you will be taken to the bonus screen. This has 12 regions for you to choose from. Place the explosive where you decide to blow up and wait till your bonus win is revealed. If you have 2 bonus symbols and decide to call it a day, you symbols will be kept and saved for 30 days. So you have plenty of time to go back to your game playing.