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Site improvements online casino 1

The website, or the online casino 1 project as we call it is online for exactly 6 months and 10 days. Since day one it proves to be a huge success! With the amount of visitors raising and a mailbox that is making more hours then expected it was time to make some major changes!

We set ourselves the following goals:

  • Increase the speed of our website
  • Less downtime of the website
  • Give the website an up-2-date make over

As a visitor the biggest change is the website design. I will give a short summary of all the improvents we have made over the last couple of weeks:

Change of Hardware

The server of our website was not up to the latest standards. With no support for the latest PHP versions (yes it is getting technical) and a server that hosted more websites then you can imagine this was the first logical step to make: changing the server for online casino 1. We held our breath on the moment of the migration to the new server but everything went smoothly, only 1 hour downtime in the middle of the night. By this change the time to load a single page increased by 20% (thanks to Google for the statistics) but that was not the biggest improvement.. From that moment on we were able to set our focus on the new website design!

From old to new!

After testing the new design on our local computers the big day was finally there. It was time to change our old lay-out to te much more 2012 looking new lay-out. Yesterday night we have started the installation of the new template that is ready for the future! As a visitor you could see the website slowely being build up till what it is now and we can’t tell how happy we are with the new improvements!

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As you can see on the slider above there is a lot of improvement made in this weeks. In the coming weeks we will add the finishing touches to the website and keep you more updated with the latest casino news. Suggestions for improvement are more then welcome thrue our contact form.